Not ten hours after its release on Nov. 8, rap artist Mac Miller’s debut album Blue Slide Park stole the number-one seat on iTunes’ Top Ten albums. But even prior to his album’s release the 19 year-old Pittsburgh native found himself encroached in the world of fame, boasting over one million Twitter followers and six solo mixtapes starting from 2007. Though he is young, Miller has already changed and developed as a musician, but his humble beginnings and desire to go back to what used to be are clearly shown through his latest work.
The album, named for his favorite childhood hangout, opens with the soft, nonchalant “English Lane”, as listeners are greeted by the sounds of children playing outdoors. It is in this opening track that Miller first develops his album’s message. “They thought the money should’ve changed it/ Slide still blue, why the world keep trying to paint it?” he raps in a distant, nearly monotone voice.
This track is followed by an array of songs boasting different musical styles. Miller achieves his goal of appealing to different audiences; from the old-school party anthems “Up All Night” and “Party on Fifth Ave.”, to the trance-like “Of the Soul” and the electronic “Frick Park Market” and “Loitering.”
Miller’s lyrical substance hardly differs from his pre-album styles and flow. He continues to rap about his growing bank account, girls, and partying: keeping true to what his fans love. He does add new material however; rapping about how his growing fame has given him a newfound urge to return to his modest life back in the suburbs of Pittsburgh. On the closing track “One Last Thing”, Miller repeatedly chants “I want to go back home.”
Miller’s highly anticipated album delivers a broad spectrum of musical talent. He pulls various musical tastes together to craft an album worthy of all audiences, but also embeds a message and theme so listeners can form a relationship with him. As well as maintaining his classic flow and lyricism, he also adds depth and meaning to his album: a perfect combination of old and new. “No matter what happens in life, no matter where you go, where you’re off to, what happens with the park, that slide will always be blue,” Miller told MTV News in July. “That will always be Blue Slide Park no matter what.