Kirkwood High School student newspaper

14 months later: Art

For the last TKC news cycle of the school year, next year’s editorial board decided to pose a prompt to our staff:


It’s been 14 months since COVID-19 brought the world to a standstill. What have these past 14 months taught or meant to you?


Out of this prompt, staffers could choose to write a column or create a visual representation through art or photo.


Here is TKC’s “14 months later…” art, each intentionally with a one-word headline:


Pause – Thao-Vi Do
Growth – Emma Frizzell
Connected – Morgan Hooker
Identity – Merry Schlarman
Break – Laurel Seidensticker
Technology – Elena Sherwood
Friendship – Kain Stobbe
Juxtaposition – Liv Timp
Solitude – Elizabeth Yenzer

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