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Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

“You need to create that healthy relationship with your body and food," Anonymous said. "You need to know that no matter what you see when you look in the mirror you are beautiful."

VoK collection: Students share experiences with eating disorders

Ava Duggin, Rachel Finan, and Audrey Blaine March 26, 2021

*TW: This story discusses material that may be upsetting for those who have experienced an eating disorder If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder reach out to someone and get...

New Year's resolutions have become an endless cycle of self-help journals and new workout equipment.

New Year, same you: Why you should quit making resolutions

Rachel Finan, health + wellness editor February 21, 2021

New Year’s resolutions are exhausting. Enough with people using their new fitness goals to rationalize spending money on workout gear they’ll never use, people vowing to eat healthy yet ending up with...

"The deal with dieting," a health and wellness story by Megan Cleveland.

Top five health + wellness stories of 2020

TKC Staff January 21, 2021

The Health and Wellness staff works to cover topics from dieting, to trendy foods, to mental health.  This year the pandemic threw a loop into the normal routine of everyone's lives and the stories around...

If you or someone you know is struggling with suicide the Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 1-800-273-8255.


Rachel Finan, health + wellness editor December 14, 2020

In order to avoid possibly triggering someone who is still  grieving, names of victims have been omitted.  If you or someone you know is struggling with suicide the Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 1-800-273-8255....

Face masks are considered effective in protecting against the coronavirus.

Unmasking effectiveness

Lydia Drake, entertainment writer December 11, 2020

Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, masks have become a prominent part of today's world. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends they be worn in all public places because of their...

The Stlreentryfund helps formerly incarcerated people reenter into society.

Fill your feed; Black Lives Matter accounts to follow

Rachel Finan, health + wellness editor August 26, 2020

As people rushed to post a black square on Tuesday, June 2, the growing need to stay informed and self-educated has become increasingly apparent. Feeds filled with all black screens highlighted those who...

Surviving winter on accutane

Surviving winter on accutane

Rachel Finan and Maya Kim March 2, 2020

The sixth month process of Accutane can start to feel like a year especially during the winter. When the dry season hits, chapped lips seem unmanageable and your skin might feel like a dried piece of fruit....

When the temperature drops it is time to put down that Starbucks iced latte, and pick up a hot coffee or tea. Read this guide to know what to do for that sore throat and what to bring to a camp fire or hockey game.

Fall drink guide

Rachel Finan, health + wellness writer November 19, 2019

Concussions were an issue that affected 15% of high school students in 2017.

The Brain Issue: Long term impact

Rachel Finan, health + wellness writer November 6, 2019

Kade Kenter, sophomore, is hanging out with friends when he goes from happy to depressed with no warning. His friends are unfazed. This has happened before.  Madeline Brackney, junior, sits in class...

Discover out-of-the-box ideas on how to keep your mind sharp and ready for anything.

6 ways to improve your brain

Olivia Silvey, opinions writer October 24, 2019

As high schoolers, keeping our brains healthy might be the last thing on our minds (no pun intended). Clubs, sports, friends and homework are first priority, so there’s not much time to worry about the...

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