December holidays

It’s finally December, which means weeks of holiday preparation and celebration. Although holidays like Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa reign as the most well-known, there are plenty of other more obscure holidays deserving celebration, too. Here is a list of some of the more interesting, albeit unknown, holidays you can celebrate during the last month of 2016.

Dec. 1:

All art by Annie O’Brien
  • National Pie Day
  • National Eat a Red Apple Day

Dec. 2:

Dec. 3:

  • National Roof Over Your Head Day

Dec. 4:

Dec. 5:

  • International Ninja Day

Dec. 6:

Dec. 7:

Dec. 8:

Dec. 9:

Dec. 10:

Dec. 12:

Dec. 13:

Dec. 16:

Dec. 17:

Dec. 18:

Dec. 19:

Dec. 21:


Dec. 22:

Dec. 24:

Dec. 25:

Dec. 26:

Dec. 27:

Dec. 28:

Dec. 29:

Dec. 30:

Dec. 31:

  • Make Up Your Mind Day

So, whether you celebrate the last month of the year by doing a crossword puzzle, pretending to be a time traveler or by answering the phone and saying “Buddy the Elf, what’s your favorite color?”, enjoy your last few weeks of school and winter break.

*Information courtesy of