The KH Players and the KHS Drama Department will perform Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night in the Keating Center Oct. 14, 15 and 16. Tickets are $7 for students and $10 for adults, and they can be purchased at the door.
Orsino, Duke of Illyria
Connor Anderson-Proctor
Valentine, his servant
Andrew Englund
Curio, his servant
Janelle Azmy
Sarah Beth Comfort
Sebastian, her twin
Jack Vatterott
Antonio, his friend
Eli Holmes
Olivia, a countess
Katie Landrum
Maria, her waiting gentlewoman
Sophia Benoit
Sir Toby Belch, Olivia’s kinsman
Patrick Day
Sir Andrew Aguecheek
Ben Sulser
Malvolio, a steward
Jack Rowland
Feste, the Fool
Emma Stephenson
Jimmy McHugh
Carrie Antoine
Nikki Clodfelter
1st Officer
Johnny Frolichstein
2nd Officer
T. J. Hakenjos
Camille Clossum
Duncan Holahan
Sailors, Attendants
Claire Salzman
Lauren Kelly
Emma Robertson
Photos courtesy of Amelia Anagnos