Cara, junior, and Adam Weinmann, sophomore, give The Kirkwood Call an inside look on what its like being a part of the Weinmann Family.
The Kirkwood Call (KC): Describe your sibling in one word.
Cara (CW): Smart, because he’s always better at me in everything he does.
Adam (AW): Energetic.
KC: What would you do with $1,000,000?
CW: I would buy myself a new car and all new clothes. And probably a new house.
AW: Probably put it all away for college.
KC: What is a song that reminds you of your sibling?
CW: Anything by Rascal Flatts because we always listen to it when we are driving in the car and jam out to it.
AW: “Me and My Gang” by Rascal Flatts.
KC: What is your favorite T.V. show?
CW: Probably Grey’s Anatomy.
AW: How I Met Your Mother.
KC: How much time do you spend together?
CW: We spend a lot of time together. Whenever we’re at home we’re together so the majority of the time we’re together.
AW: Probably 2 hours.
KC: Who is more of a morning person?
CW: Definitely him.
AW: Me.
KC: What is your favorite food?
CW: Red Apple Jelly Belly’s.
AW: Fries.
KC: What is your sibling most likely to be doing on the weekends?
CW: Probably just hanging out with his friends at our house, thats what they normally do.
AW: Going to parties.
KC: Is he/she more like a sibling or a friend to you?
CW: In some ways he is almost a friend to me because we are always around each other but in other ways he’s a sibling because we fight like siblings do. He’s my half sibling, half friend.
AW: Probably more of a friend.
KC: What is the best memory you have had with your sibling?
CW: Around five years ago we were at the Greek Festival with our parents and it was raining so he was standing under a tent and all of a sudden the tent collapsed with all the water on him. He’s going to kill me for saying this but it was probably the funniest thing I’ve ever seen.
AW: When she was leaving for England and she was saying goodbye to everyone, we hugged goodbye and it was a really nice moment between us.
For other stories by Amanda Pollmann
Click Here for Sibling Rivalry: Sam and Ben Klinghammer
Click Here for Sibling Rivalry: Maggie and Maryanne Kiley