Sam Klinghammer, senior, and Ben Klinghammer, freshman, give The Kirkwood Call an inside look on what its like being a part of the Klinghammer family.
The Kirkwood Call (KC): Describe your sibling in one word.
Sam (SK): Athletic.
Ben (BK): Fun.
KC: What would you do with $1,000,000?
SK: I would donate some of it, pay for my college and buy me and my family nice houses.
BK: Buy a golden house.
KC: What is a song that reminds you of your sibling?
SK: Anything by AC/DC because we used to listen to it when we were kids with our dad.
BK: “Eighteen Cool” by Hoodie Allen because she sings it all the time.
KC: What is your favorite T.V. show?
SK: How I Met Your Mother.
BK: How I Met Your Mother.
KC: How much time do you spend together?
SK: We both have busy schedules so probably like 3 hours a day.
BK: Probably 3 hours a day.
KC: Who is more of a morning person?
SK: It used to be Ben but now it’s me.
BK: I’m more of a morning person.
KC: What is your favorite food?
SK: Macaroni and Cheese.
BK: I like Chipotle.
KC: What is your sibling most likely to be doing on the weekends?
SK: Playing Xbox and hanging out with his friends.
BK: She works and hangs out with her friends.
KC: Is he/she more like a sibling or a friend to you?
SK: Sometimes he can be my best friend and sometimes we fight really bad like siblings.
BK: She’s more like a sibling.
KC: What is the best memory you have had with your sibling?
SK: Anytime we’re home alone and we’ve had too much sugar and we blare music and act stupid, which we do a lot.
BK: At grandma and grandpas house during Spring Break.
KC: Want to add anything else about your relationship?
SK: He acts like he hates me but we really are besties. He just won’t admit it.
BK: She’s a‘ight.
For other stories by Amanda Pollmann
Click Here for Sibling Rivalry: Cara and Adam Weinmann
Click Here for Sibling Rivalry: Maggie and Maryanne Kiley