Every year, freshman and sophomore students anxiously await the time for them to rush to the drama department and write their names on an audition sheet for the Freshman/Sophomore play. This year, the lucky seventeen students who made it past the auditions will be performing in the show, All In the Timing written by David Ives.
This play consists of four different comedy acts, each 15 to 20 minutes long involving a different storyline and new characters.
As there are so many acts and plot lines, some may find it hard to decide which will be their favorite. However, director Greg Jones hopes that everyone will find delight in them all.
“I hope each of them [will be enjoyed]. This writer is very big on his words, very funny on how he puts things and puts characters in odd places,” Jones said.
According to The Public Theater’s website, the first act is titled “Sure Thing”. MaryClaire Rintoul, sophomore, plays one of the main characters, Betty, in this act and describes the plotline.
“It is two people on a date and whenever something goes wrong a bell rings and the date starts over,” Rintoul said.
Following “Sure Thing” comes “Words, Words, Words”. The Public Theater’s website states this act contains three monkeys with three typewriters who begin testing the traditional randomness of the universe. Will they produce the famous text, Hamlet? They are bothered by the human consciousness and become frustrated with the difficulty of their task, for none of them have ever heard of Shakespeare.
The third act, “The Philadelphia”, takes place in a restaurant in New York. Here, the main character discovers that they have fallen into a black hole-like state called a Philadelphia. Once this occurs, everyday wants and desires of the citizens of Philadelphia become unavailable. Only until they ask the opposite of what they want will they finally receive what they are looking for.
Finally, the fourth act is called “Variations on the Death of Trotsky”. Throughout this story, the audience is taken to see a man named Trotsky, played by Jack Murphy, freshman, who was hit in the head with an axe. The act consists of Trotsky walking around for a full day with the axe in his head and what happens to him during that time.
Rintoul hopes that the audience will have as much fun as she does performing with the cast. She said that the decision to audition came to her because she had fun last year in the Freshmen/Sophomore play and likes the atmosphere Jones brings to rehearsals.
The date the seventeen Kirkwood High School students perform the comedy include Thursday, Nov. 15 at 7 pm, Friday, Nov. 16 at 7 pm, Saturday, Nov. 17 at 7 pm and Sunday, Nov. 18 at 2 pm.
If anyone is looking for something to do one of these nights one can come to Kirkwood High School in the Black box theater to enjoy a night full of laughter created by fellow classmates.