In a school made up of more than 1,700 unique people, what does the most typical Kirkwood student look like, wear and do? By surveying 559 students, The Kirkwood Call has compiled a list of the most common traits among boys and girls into two images that represent the most typical KHS student.
Matthew or Matt is the most common boy name.
54 percent have straight hair. (119/220)
59 percent have brown hair. (146/246)
93 percent do not have ear piercings. (234/251)
42 percent have brown eyes. (99/237)
55 percent describe their hairstyle as a “crew cut.” (181/331)
43 percent typically wear a t-shirt to school. (108/253)
Football is the most commonly played sport. (38/239)
40 percent typically wear jeans to school. (108/271)
25 percent say social studies is their favorite subject. (59/234)
34% play two KHS sports per year. (80/232)
75% typically wear tennis shoes to school. (183/245)
44% are between of 5’6 and 5’10 tall. (105/236)
Nike is the favorite brand of shoe. (147/199)