VoKs: Burba, Munson, Ulichnie

October 16, 2021

For our third issue this school year TKC followed the prompt “Everybody has a story.”  TKC staffers were randomly assigned three KHS students to write “Voices of Kirkwood” on. They capture details about a Kirkwood resident: what their hobbies are, what has been their biggest struggle and what makes them different from every other person in Kirkwood. Read Lydia Drake’s Vok’s to learn about Ayla Burba, Woody Munson and Jared Ulichnie.


Jared Ulichnie

Marianthe Meyer

Jared Ulichnie, senior, is on the KHS varsity football and wrestling teams.

Jared Ulichnie, senior, is a part of the varsity football and wrestling teams at KHS. “I’ve been playing football since first grade [and] it was always fun,” Ulichnie said. “[I started] wrestling because I played football, and [I] ended up liking it.” After graduation, Ulichnie wants to explore a career in construction. “I’ve built [projects] on my own, [and] I like starting something from the very beginning and seeing the work that you’ve done out in front of you.”

Woody Munson

Ella Sottile

Woody Munson, junior, works out at The Lodge Des Peres and plays tennis in his free time.

Outside of school, Woody Munson, junior, spends his time staying active with his friends. “I started going [to The Lodge Des Peres] at the end of last summer [to work out] with Harry Soell and Dylan Austermann.” Munson appreciates the equipment and the amenities offered at The Lodge. “Sometimes I [also] go up there to play basketball, but [I] mostly just work out.” Along with exercising at The Lodge, Munson also plays on the KHS tennis team. “[I like tennis because] it’s a good way to connect with friends and you can mess around during practices.” Munson has been playing tennis since he was 6 years old. “My mom was looking for a good sport for me and my cousin to play, she chose that, and [I thought] it was fun.”

Ayla Burba

Ayla Burba, junior, has been a part of the crew for six KH Players productions. “[Being on crew is] nice because I enjoy working with my hands, [and] I get to build and paint a whole set,” Burba said. She enjoyed working on ”The Addams Family” production most because “[Even though] it was cancelled at the end of freshman year [due to] COVID-19, [KH Players] got to do it again later, and we put a lot of effort into [it],” Burba said. She also loves seeing the completed sets for each production. “It’s really satisfying seeing [everything] come together and come to life and knowing that you were a part of [the process].”

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