Explore the outdoors

Screen Shot 2015-09-29 at 2.35.19 PMphoto courtesy of Sydney Prow

Gear to bring:

1. Backpack

Prepping your pack with explorer essentials, such as sunscreen, snacks, a raincoat and Band-Aid, is a must.

2. Waterbottle

Bring 32 ounces for every 2 miles you plan to traveled on your trek; a Nalgene is the perfect size to measure your water intake.

3. Sunglasses

Without shades in tow, the sun’s glare could prevent you from taking in the view.

4. Snack

After some tough terrain, refueling with a potassium-rich banana or an energy-boosting date could be just what you need to tackle the next mile. Toss some dried fruit into your favorite bag of granola along with some almonds, which are packed with 6 grams of energizing protein, to create the perfect trail mix.

5. Bug spray

Arm yourself with plenty of bug repellent to defend yourself against persistent insects.

6. Camera

Surely you’ll want to capture the astonishing views along the trail to make it an Insta-worthy trip.


Screen Shot 2015-09-29 at 2.15.19 PMAnna Mullendore



Screen Shot 2015-09-29 at 2.26.55 PMphoto courtesy of Julia Church
“[My favorite part was] sitting on the edge of some rocks with no one around, but my closest friends and some birds chirping as the sun came up over the river. It was just such a euphoric moment that made waking up at 4:50 a.m. all worth it.”

-Sarah Finley, senior, hiked in Klondike park.




Places to go in Missouri:

If you are an outdoor enthusiast, the last place you want to be is the city and suburbs of St. Louis. Though hiking in the luscious forests of Montana is not likely for Kirkwood residents, finding a trail to conquer may not be as hard as you think. Whether it’s Emmenegger Nature Park or the all new challenging terrain of Taum Sauk Mountain State Park in Ironton, MO, the trails are waiting.

  • Emmenegger Nature Park, located in Ironton, MO and about a 15-minute drive
  • Cliff Cave County Park, located in South Saint Louis, MO and about a 25-minute drive
  • Castlewood State Park, located in Ballwin, MO and about a 25-minute drive
  • Weldon Spring Conservation Area, located in St. Charles, MO and about a 40-minute drive
  • Klondike Park, located in Augusta, MO and about a 45-minute drive
  • Meramec State Park, located in Sullivan, MO and about a hour drive
  • Cuivre River State Park, located in Troy, MO and about a hour drive
  • Taum Sauk Mountain State Park, located in Ironton, MO and about an hour and 45-minute drive


Screen Shot 2015-09-29 at 2.29.16 PMphoto courtesy of Sarah FInley

“My favorite part was getting to see the Meramec River, trees and train tracks all from above on the cliff for the first time.”

-Julia Church, junior, hiked in Castlewood State park.