This year’s canned food drive, sponsored by Kirkwood Youth Services (KYS), to collect cans for the needy through the organization Kirkcare, drew to a close Thursday.
After fierce competition between many first hour classes, Leslie Benben’s class came out on top, earning an average of 69.8 cans per student. They were closely followed by Julie Sutfin’s AP Physics class, with 65.7 cans per studen. Bob Becker’s honors chemistry class came in third, with 42.7 cans per student.
Participants were awarded one point per can, three points per dollar, and one-third of a point for every package of Ramen noodles. The point values were then added up and averaged based on the number of students in the class, so larger classes did not have an advantage.
This is the highest can yield in recent years, with a school average of 6.8 cans per student as opposed to last year’s 4.9 cans per student. Becker, KYS sponsor, thanked all the classes for their participation in the drive in an email to staff.[slideshow id=55]