The girls volleyball team will host their annual “Pink Out” game in the David Holley Assembly Hall Oct. 1. The girls are wearing pink jerseys and pink hair extensions to show support for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The team also sold t-shirts to raise money for a local charity. Proceeds from the t-shirt sales go to Making Strides, a local organization that helps raise money and awareness in the fight against breast cancer. The team has sold over 550 “Dig Pink” t-shirts. They began the fundraiser because a former KHS volleyball player lost her mother to breast cancer. This is the team’s fifth year hosting a breast cancer awareness event. To date, the team has donated over $6,500 to Making Strides. The match is against Francis Howell at 5:15 p.m.
For more information about Breast Cancer Awareness Month: www.nbcam.org