Audrey Berns
Cheerleaders support their team with chants on the sidelines.
As the year begins to come to an end for the class of 2019, the next week or so holds a lot of days with important events for seniors. Here is a list of important dates for seniors from the start of finals to graduation.
Friday, May 3:
6th and 7th-hour finals*
Monday, May 6:
5th and 4th-hour finals*
Tuesday, May 7:
3rd and 2nd-hour finals*
Senior Award Ceremony at 7 p.m. in Keating
Wednesday, May 8:
1st-hour final*
Senior checkout day: Senior survey must be completed before you can check out. If you can, turn your laptop into the tech desk prior to senior checkout to save time.
Saturday, May 11:
Graduation at Chaifetz Arena. Seniors need to arrive at 5 p.m. The event starts at 7 p.m.
*The day of your final indicates the last day you need to attend that class