KHS 2021-22 start of school year plans

Hayden Davidson

KSD will welcome students back Aug. 24. Read more for information on KHS’s school year plans.

TKC spoke with KHS Principal Dr. Mike Havener about upcoming school year plans. Havener said many of these plans are based on the school environment being mask-mandatory and are subject to change. He also emphasized that plans differ between the high school, middle school and elementary school levels. 



KSD will require masks indoors regardless of vaccination status. The district announced the decision to families in an email Aug. 4. 


Beginning of the school year events

During the first academic homeroom period of the year, the sophomore, junior and senior classes will have a class assembly run by the respective grade level principals. The activities fair will take place from 5:30-6:30 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 26, followed by the first pep assembly of the school year from 6:30-7.



Returning to KHS’s normal schedule, students will attend all classes Monday, Tuesday and Friday and block schedules with 90-minute classes on Wednesdays and Thursdays. On Wednesdays, students will attend periods one, two, five and six; on Thursdays, students will attend periods three, homeroom, four and seven. 

This year, academic homeroom will be separated into three 30-minute segments. Students must remain in their homerooms for the first half hour, and will be able to travel to other teachers’ classrooms during the second and third half-hour segments. 

Rather than paper passes, students will use a website called E-Hallpass to allow KHS staff to track who is in the hallway and where their students are. This will be used anytime a student must leave the classroom including bathroom breaks, homeroom and late passes. 


Quarantine Policy 

Students who are vaccinated and exposed to a positive COVID-19 case will not have to quarantine if they show proof of vaccination to a KHS administrator or school nurse. Because teachers will no longer be instructing students both in the classroom and at home simultaneously, unvaccinated students who get quarantined will have to coordinate with their teachers for makeup work as if they are at home on a sick day. 


Pioneer e-Learning Academy (PeLA)

KHS is continuing to develop its own curriculum for several graduation requirement courses. The goal is to have all required courses ready within the next couple years and replace LAUNCH online courses with Pioneer e-Learning developed courses. This year, Health, Personal Finance and P.E. classes will be taught in the PeLA system. 


Breakfast and Lunch

Like last school year, students will receive free breakfast and lunch. Breakfast will be provided in the mornings for that school day. Lunch will be served in the cafeteria as in past years, but with the same barriers as last school year. Seniors and juniors are able to leave campus for lunch.



• Desk shields will not be in classrooms. Teachers and students who prefer to use a desk shield will be able to have one on their desk. 

• There are no social distancing requirements between desks and in classrooms, giving students the opportunities for regular group work and class discussions. 

• Drinking fountains will be closed as long as masks are mandatory. Water bottle fillers will remain open regardless of mask policy.