Principal Jeff Townsend announces retirement

Elizabeth Riti

Jeff Townsend, assistant principal, announced his plans for retirement at the end of the 2021-22 school year.

Jeff Townsend, assistant principal for the class of 2024, announced his plans to retire following the end of the school year during an assembly with the sophomore class on Thursday, Oct. 21. After meeting with his class, Townsend sent an all-staff email. Townsend, who has worked in KSD for 26 years, said this was a personal decision made with his family.

“[Retiring is] an opportunity to spend better time with my family and mom,” Townsend said. “It’s [been] 26 years of a phenomenal career, in a phenomenal place with phenomenal people.”

Townsend began his first career-level job as a P.E. teacher at North Kirkwood Middle School. Townsend said he wishes he was able to connect more with his class before retiring.

COVID-19 held us back, and we’re just now forming connections and getting to know each other,” Townsend said. “The best thing is when you get to watch [your students] walk across the stage [at graduation]. Usually [my students and I] would’ve known each other longer, but I’ll still be there the day [the class of 2024] walks [across the stage].”

Townsend said that during his retirement he would be interested in finding a job related to the outdoors and fishing that has flexible hours so he can attend his son’s soccer games. Until then, he said he plans to make the most of his remaining time with the current sophomore class.

“I started this job to make connections with my students,” Townsend said. “I want to continue that. I’m going to invest everything I can into the next eight months.”