Molly Higgins
On Sunday, Sep. 27, KHS was broken into and property was damaged during an attempted burglary.
On Sunday, Sep. 27, the KHS alarm system was triggered after an attempted burglary occurred earlier that morning. According to the Kirkwood Police Department, the suspect was apprehended on sight and transferred to St. Louis County for prosecution. Dr. Havener, KHS principal, stated that the suspect entered the library, the west hallway and the main office. To the KSD board’s knowledge, no classrooms were entered. Havener said the suspect attempted to steal clothes, small amounts of money and minor technology. The district believes everything has been recovered. This event left KHS with small amounts of damage, such as broken doors in the cafeteria, library and school store.
“We are happy that our security systems in place worked,” Havener said. “KHS’s number one priority is and always has been the safety of the students.”
This piece will be continually updated as more information is released.