Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How can I get a contract?
A: You can download a contract on this website by clicking the “Advertising” tab and downloading the PDF.
Q: Will I see my ad before it runs?
A: You can send us a pre-made ad or we can design an ad and send it to you to proof before it runs.
Q: When will I be billed for my advertisement?
A: Ideally the payment would be made before the ad runs in the issue, but we do invoices as well at the end of each month.
Q: Can I send my ad to you as e-mail?
A: If it is attached to the e-mail as PDF.
Q: What is your circulation?
A: Our newspaper reaches out to over 2,000 local families; our website, averages more than 2,000 hits a week.
Q: How often is the newspaper published?
A: A new issue is released every three weeks.
Q: When is the deadline for submitting my advertisement?
A: A week before publication would be ideal.
Q: What are the different ways that I can send advertisement information?
A: Advertisement information can be sent to or a staffer can pick up information at your location upon request.
Q: Who should I contact if I have any questions or comments?
A: Any questions or comments can be sent to
Q: Can I request which page my ad is on?
A: Ads cannot be placed on the front or back cover as well as any opinions pages. Other then these exceptions, pages can be requested.
Q: Does The Kirkwood Call accept political advertising?
A: Any business/individual is welcome to advertise in The Kirkwood Call.