Eat what you want

“Wow nice salad.”
“Why do you go to the gym? You’re so skinny.”
“Ew why are you eating kale?”
Whether it’s at a restaurant or in the cafeteria, I hear these comments all the time. To someone who values living a healthy lifestyle, these comments are just obnoxious.
The people who make fun of others for their diet or exercise routine are jealous they don’t have the self-discipline to do the same. I know because I’ve said the same obnoxious comments to others. I realized making people feel guilty about eating healthy foods doesn’t make me a better person. Trying to pull others down with me when I want to eat an entire box of Cheerios doesn’t make me a healthier person. But since I’ve decided to lead a healthier lifestyle, I’ve realized just how hurtful these comments can be.
I get embarrassed ordering a salad when I’m out to dinner because I know someone will make a comment about my choice. Eating a salad does not always mean someone is on a diet and if that is the case, let them stick to their diet. That’s their choice.
It’s the same situation for people who get scrutinized for having an unhealthy diet. I haven’t gone to McDonalds since elementary school, not because it is unhealthy, but because there is a social stigma that McDonalds is for trashy people in the lower income bracket. However, it’s cool to eat at Chick-fil-A which is just as cheap and unhealthy as McDonalds.
What many don’t realize is that by insulting someone’s eating habits, they are adding to the insecurities that person may already have about their diet. Negative comments about a person’s diet can lead to low self- esteem, poor body image or an eating disorder. The only time it’s okay to question what someone is eating is if you are concerned they may be suffering from an eating disorder. If that’s the case, you should tell an adult you trust about getting them the help they need.
I decided not to worry about what others say about my diet. I eat how I want to eat. I believe it’s better to make healthy choices, but that doesn’t give me a reason to judge those who disagree with me. Don’t let jealous comments keep you from living the life you want to live.