Marilynn Steuby
If you live in St. Louis, you know the judgment you'll face for this simple question. What high school did you attend?
If you live in St. Louis, you know the judgment you’ll face for this simple question. What high school did you attend? No one anywhere else can truly understand the effect your answer will have on how others view you. You are automatically seen as snobby basic rich or anything else. Here are a couple examples of what your St. Louis high school says about you.

MICDS: If you go to MICDS, you probably don’t fully grasp the concept of money, or you are an amazing lacrosse player. You most likely grew up spending your summers at the yacht club in Nantucket, even though Old Warson is just as good. The second you turned 16, you received the car of your dreams, you will become a legacy, and in 20 years your kids will grow up the same way.

Chaminade: Chaminade is the home of the “future frat boys” to be. Spending the weekends out golfing “with the boys” and partying. To you the best person ever is yourself, and you enjoy telling others about how great your life is. The one thing that is sure for you is you’re destined to end up playing cup pong at one of the top ten party colleges.

St. Joseph’s Academy: Being a SJA angel means one thing, you are a basic girl. You can be found driving to Frontenac or the tanning store in your white Jeep with Taylor Swift blasting. The weekends are a time to find new boys to hook up with.

Webster Groves High School: If you attend Webster Groves High School, you spend every Thanksgiving losing the Turkey Day game. Which makes sense because you don’t even have your own field. Your parents probably chose a nice neighborhood over education. You live in an old brick house by some train station, and spend most of your time in downtown Webster trying to be artsy and different.

Nerinx Hall: When you say you are a “marker” it can only be read one way, “pick me”. You probably wore sneakers to every dance in hopes of being different, your political opinions make you “woke” and down to earth. Though they do set you apart from other private school students.

DeSmet: If you go to DeSmet you probably weren’t the smartest kid in your class but at least your parents have money. You probably are slightly above average at sports, and have pulled multiple girls. However, you aren’t the perfect kid because you spend your weekends getting high.
Kirkwood High School: If you go to Kirkwood High School you probably think your school is the best which it is, because it was your peak in life. You are surrounded by football which is all everyone is worried about from Aug. to Nov. Unlike Webster you spend your Thanksgivings winning the Turkey day game.