Maggie Cannon
Lucy Monroe, senior, wakes up every morning, makes her breakfast, grabs her lunch she prepared the night before and heads out the door to school. She spends most of her time with the friends she’s made from Best Buddies and managing girls volleyball, but she can also be found in South Journalism during lunch and in various PE classes offered at KHS.
After high school, Lucy hopes to open her own gym to be a CrossFit trainer. In March, she competed in her first CrossFit competition, where Katie Monroe, Lucy’s mother, said her interest started.
“She competes in crossfit events and knocks it out of the park with a smile on her face,” Tim said. “When it gets tough, she [has] grit and determination. When her mind is set, she’s going to do it.”
Tim Monroe, Lucy’s father, said that this summer, she will be participating in a Summer Work Experience Program (SWEP) through MERS Goodwill, where last year she was a bagger at Schnucks.
“She just wants to meet people,” Katie said. “She has always wanted to help people [and] talk to different people [to] learn about their life.”
Katie said Lucy loves school, and at the end of the summer she may want to return to a school setting at Missouri Baptist University. Lucy said the best part of high school and the many activities she’s involved in was the people she met because of them.
“After high school I am still going to [keep] my friendships,” Lucy said. “I care for them and [want] to support them [and their] lives.”
Lucy said she met a lot of her friends through Best Buddies, a national club with an active chapter in the KSD. Tim said Lucy enjoys being around and helping her peers in Best Buddies, which she attends during homeroom. Her position as girls’ volleyball team manager also gave her another chance to make new friends in the school.
“I loved the camaraderie on the team,” Tim said. “And for her to be part of that with Coach Goodman and the [volleyball players], it opened up an opportunity for her to meet other [students]. They embraced her and she was a part of that team.”