It was far beyond a normal senior night for Grace Mehan, a senior field hockey player. Mehan, who is a four-year member of the field hockey C-team, finally got her chance to be a star. With roughly five minutes remaining in the game and a 3-0 lead for the Pioneers against Parkway West, Grace got to play midfield in a varsity game Oct. 1, her birthday. Before she was put in the game, the pep club and wrestling team sang her happy birthday from the sidelines. When she entered the game, the fans encouraged her with a rousing chorus of “Let’s go Grace! Let’s go Grace!”
When she heard the encouragement from the fans, Grace held up her stick with both arms and shouted, with an ear to ear grin on her face, “Yeah!”
The Pioneers held their lead, and Grace got to take part in a 3-0 victory.