Top five sports stories of 2020

With 2020 being a year like no other in sports, our TKC staff made sure to capture all of the moments. From an inspirational story of former NFL lineman Jay Leeuwenberg, to professional athletes using their influence to promote racial equality, to even interviewing some of the best basketball talents to come out of St. Louis — it didn’t stop there. TKC covered topics such as the Cardinals trying to complete their season with a COVID-19 outbreak, and the death of a former NBA player Kobe Bryant that shook the sports world. Check out the five stories below that truly display how TKC showed all of the big sports moments in 2020.



COVID, Cardinals and their comeback– Kinley Bokermann

Using their platform– Hayden Davidson

Breaking News: Turkey Day game canceled – Hayden Davidson, Olivia Silvey, Molly Higgins

Sweet victory: The story of Jay Leeuwenberg– Tom Mueller

Students opinions on the cancellation of moderate to high contact sport competitions– Maya Kim, Ava Duggin