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Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Anna Mullendore

Anna Mullendore, features writer

Grade: 12

Twitter handle: N/A

If you could be another Call staffer, who would you be?: I would be Katie Hackett because her wit is inspirational.

Interests: dogs, because i mean dogs

All content by Anna Mullendore
Poppin' the happy pills

Poppin’ the happy pills

Anna Mullendore, health & wellness editor
February 28, 2016
You are real

You are real

Anna Mullendore, health & wellness editor
February 18, 2016
Shots, shots, shots

Shots, shots, shots

Anna Mullendore, health & wellness editor
December 8, 2015
The pursuit of happiness

The pursuit of happiness

Anna Mullendore, health & wellness editor
November 6, 2015


Anna Mullendore, health & wellness editor
October 16, 2015

Explore the outdoors

Anna Mullendore, health and wellness writer
September 29, 2015
Beating the heat

Beating the heat

Anna Mullendore, Health & Wellness writer
September 10, 2015
Summertime book bumming

Summertime book bumming

Anna Mullendore, features writer
May 8, 2015
Shut up and run with me

Shut up and run with me

Anna Mullendore, features writer
May 3, 2015
Senior profile: Brian Brennan

Senior profile: Brian Brennan

Anna Mullendore, features writer
April 28, 2015
7 Ways to Fuel Your Brain

7 Ways to Fuel Your Brain

Anna Mullendore, features writer
April 26, 2015
May sleep be with you

May sleep be with you

Anna Mullendore, features writer
February 10, 2015
Three foster children gathered inside looking out into the yard. One foster child held up her younger sister, who held out her arms like wings. The children at Angels’ Arms cannot have their faces featured in any publications as a way to preserve their privacy.

Angels’ Arms: Spread Your Wings

Anna Mullendore, features writer
December 16, 2014
Taylor Swift album review: 1989

Taylor Swift album review: 1989

Anna Mullendore, features editor
November 12, 2014
Pioneer Pete: unmasked

Pioneer Pete: unmasked

Anna Mullendore, features writer
October 9, 2014
Pion-Ear: Ben Rector

Pion-Ear: Ben Rector

Anna Mullendore, features writer
October 9, 2014
Forever, one four

Forever, one four

Anna Mullendore, features writer
May 20, 2014
Eric and Matt Eagon

Sibling Rivalry: Eric and Matt Eagon

Anna Mullendore, features writer
February 23, 2014
NHS Blood Drive

NHS Blood Drive

Anna Mullendore, features writer
January 22, 2014
Mary Wilson: more than her disorder

Mary Wilson: more than her disorder

Anna Mullendore, features writer
November 28, 2013
Broken phones, broken dreams:

Broken phones, broken dreams:

Anna Mullendore, features writer
October 30, 2013
Broken phones, broken dreams:

Broken phones, broken dreams:

Anna Mullendore, features writer
October 30, 2013
Broken phones, broken dreams:

Broken phones, broken dreams:

Anna Mullendore, features writer
October 30, 2013
Domestic Violence: What We Know

Domestic Violence: What We Know

Anna Mullendore, features writer
October 21, 2013

Branch battling back

Anna Mullendore, features writer
September 21, 2013
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Kirkwood High School student newspaper
Anna Mullendore