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Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Katlyn Kreie

Katlyn Kreie, web conceptual editor

Grade: 12

Extracurriculars: BAND!, CALL, Swimming

What do you like about Call?: Being creative!

How would you describe yourself?: Cool cat

Favorite Quote: “Make up your own dang quotes”- Katlyn Kreie

All content by Katlyn Kreie
Senior column: photo gallery

Senior column: photo gallery

Katlyn Kreie, web concept editor
May 2, 2015
Photo gallery: the color run

Photo gallery: the color run

Katlyn Kreie, web concept editor
April 11, 2015

[Photo] Senior profile: Matt Maury

John Drury, sports writer
April 15, 2015
Academy Awards: Best Picture preview

Academy Awards: Best Picture preview

Katlyn Kreie, web concept editor
February 22, 2015
art by Perry Tatlow

Call outs: The Bachelor premier

Katlyn Kreie, web concept editor
January 28, 2015
2013 Turkey Day game

2013 Turkey Day game

Katlyn Kreie, photographer
November 30, 2013
Spirit week bonfire

Spirit week bonfire

Katlyn Kreie, photographer
November 29, 2013
Apple Pie. png

[Photo] Oh my, so much pie

Lucy Dwyer, features editor
November 25, 2013

[Photo] KH Players Sing in the Rain

Claire Salzman, co-editor-in-chief
April 19, 2013
Social media at KHS

Social media at KHS

Katlyn Kreie, photographer
March 12, 2013
Mr. KHS contestants line up for the first round of eliminations.

Photo gallery: Mr. KHS

Katlyn Kreie, photographer
March 7, 2013
Storify: The Oscars

Storify: The Oscars

Katlyn Kreie, photographer
February 25, 2013
Storify: if these halls could talk

Storify: if these halls could talk

Katlyn Kreie, photographer
December 13, 2012
Photo Gallery: Turkey Day bonfire

Photo Gallery: Turkey Day bonfire

Katlyn Kreie, photographer
November 24, 2012
Trevor Currie, freshman, is here with his camera. He is a winner of multiple photography contests.

[Photo] Looking through the lens

Bridget Randazzo, features writer
October 30, 2012
Photo Gallery: fall play preview

Photo Gallery: fall play preview

Katlyn Kreie, photographer
October 18, 2012
Cry me a Twitter, people

Cry me a Twitter, people

Katlyn Kreie, photographer
October 10, 2012
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Kirkwood High School student newspaper
Katlyn Kreie