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Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Abby Lay, photographer

Grade: 12

Interests: eating milk and egg products even though I’m allergic to them

Favorite quote: “I am running away from my problems. and it feels good.” Michael Scott, the office

If you could be another Call staffer, who would you be?: I would want to be TJ Kocher because he warms our hearts

All content by Abby Lay
Senior awards ceremony

Senior awards ceremony

Abby Lay, photographer
May 10, 2017
Screen Shot 2015-12-01 at 2.19.28 PM

[Photo] Shots, shots, shots

Anna Mullendore, health & wellness editor
December 8, 2015
Screen Shot 2015-10-09 at 2.30.53 PM

[Photo] Bittersweet

Anna Mullendore, health & wellness editor
October 16, 2015
VOK: 9.10

VOK: 9.10

Abby Lay, photographer
September 10, 2015
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Kirkwood High School student newspaper
Abby Lay