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Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Lane Fox with their various album art in the background.

In their own lane

Lydia Sheehan, entertainment writer February 19, 2021

The most beautiful thing about music is how it can make you feel. And every song can feel different. The lyrics and tone of the song might put into words exactly how you are feeling. When you shuffle music...

Dave Geeting wraps his eldest daughter Allison up in a hug.

Top five features stories of 2020

TKC Staff January 21, 2021

The goal of TKC’s features staff is to amplify the voices of Kirkwood community members and make sure their stories are told. In this challenging year, telling stories was more important than ever. Our...

Constant dependence on technology can both connect society and isolate individuals.

Plugged in, checked out

Megan Glasgow, features writer March 24, 2020

“Hey, [how are you]?” “Fine.” “Are you okay?” “Yes.” “Ok.” The next message JJ Penn, junior, received was a breakup text, sent with a few clicks on a screen in the...

Our staff does not shy away from the hard-hitting issues and, this year, our staff has investigated issues ranging from the achievement gap in KSD to the preparedness of students in the event of an active shooter.

Top five in-depth stories of 2019

TKC Staff December 23, 2019

TKC staff has covered important issues affecting the students at KHS and used several stories to dig into these topics. Our staff does not shy away from the hard-hitting issues and, this year, our...

In 2017, 3,166 people were killed as a result of distracted driving.

Be home soon

Kate Schreiber, features writer November 1, 2019
While distracted driving has declined since 2016, there is still a problem. Missouri is one of two states that has not completely banned texting and driving.
The food in the brain represents how the brain is fueled by food.

More hope for MO

Jack Anderson, features + in-depth editor October 15, 2019
Childhood hunger affects children's physical and mental health. Different Missouri organizations have raised money, organized donations and started new meal programs to eliminate this problem.
Liam Jackson and Sophie Chappell, juniors. play a guessing game.

TKC tries a guessing game

Annie O’Brien, health and wellness editor March 6, 2019

8 TKC staffers try to determine what a mysterious object is. Watch as they get confused, grossed out and eventually learn what they have been looking at. Music courtesy of Purple Planet Music

Student journalist opinions on the New York Times anonymous op-ed

Top five art pieces of 2018

TKC Staff January 2, 2019

Issues: Stereotypes of a black woman - art by Bismah Syed Policing the minority with the majority - art by Catherine McCandless The 'N' Word - art by Thora Pearson Student journalist opinions...

"Suncity" review

“Suncity” review

Charlotte Heinrich, features + in-depth editor November 12, 2018

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Kirkwood High School student newspaper
Bismah Syed