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Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Senior Profiles: Sam Purvines

Senior Profiles: Sam Purvines

Sarah Nash, art editor May 22, 2018

While many of KHS’s soon-to-be alumni are making college plans, one student has decided to take a different path. Sam Purvines, senior, belongs to the Jesus Christ Church of Latter Day Saints, commonly...

Senior profile: Justin Battle

Senior profile: Justin Battle

Benji Wilton, features writer May 18, 2018

After spending the day walking through decorated halls and preparing for Turkey Day festivities, Justin Battle, senior, anxiously watches students and staff file into the David Holley Assembly Hall. For...

Senior profiles: Hannah Santoni

Senior profiles: Hannah Santoni

Liam Jackson, entertainment writer May 9, 2018

She laces her shoes and walks to the starting line. Surrounded by other runners, Hannah Santoni, senior, is focused and prepared to race. As the clock starts, she emerges from the crowd and begins running...

Senior profile: Jim DeYong

Senior profile: Jim DeYong

Kelley Cochran, photographer May 3, 2018

After checking on the campsite for the night, and making sure all of the scouts are safe, he lays down in his tent by the lake. He listens to the rain, crickets and bullfrogs before drifting off to sleep....

Over a mountain she climbed

Over a mountain she climbed

Ally Ortmann, features writer May 2, 2018

With her blonde hair spread out on her pillow, the young girl stared at her ceiling thinking to herself. I imagine, she breathed, closing her eyes. Images of stages and tour buses, all-nighters and hastily...

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Kirkwood High School student newspaper
class of 2018