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Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

An American Goldfinch sits in a pine tree in the early morning.

Photo Gallery: Earth Day

Tess Hubbard, photographer April 22, 2022

Imagine a world with no clean air, no trees, no clear blue sky. Imagine if the flowers never blossomed, the trees couldn’t grow back, you couldn’t see the sun shine down on your day. This is what could...

photo courtesy of Google under the Creative Commons license

Earth Day in Kirkwood

Zack Deutschmann, Writer May 21, 2018

Imagine a world where the sky is always grey and the grass is always a dark brown. Imagine never having sunshine that brings warmth inside your house. Imagine never getting to breathe the clean air and...

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Kirkwood High School student newspaper
Earth Day