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Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Dr. Josh Flores and Cindy Ricks pose together in their tacky day outfits in the KHS commons.

Photo Gallery: Kirkwood High School Spirit Week: Nov. 17-23

Lawrence McKee, Photographer December 15, 2021

From Nov. 17-23 Kirkwood High School had its annual spirit week followed by the Kirkwood vs. Webster football game on Nov. 24. During spirit week students brought random items to bring their school supplies...

With the Algebra 1 EOC exam coming up this Friday on January 17, the task for some KHS sophomores and juniors to remember old material from two to three years ago can be difficult.

Review pains in full swing for the Algebra 1 EOC

Henry Chappell, sports writer January 16, 2020

With the Algebra 1 EOC exam coming up this Friday on January 17, the task for some KHS sophomores and juniors to remember old material from two to three years ago can be difficult. With many students currently...

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Kirkwood High School student newspaper
Faith Meyer