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Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Anna McGinnis poses for picture during fashion class

Senior profile: Anna McGinnis

Luciana Cortright, news writer May 1, 2024

College: Major: Most girls remember the first time they went through their mom’s closet, browsing through her giant heels and extravagant cocktail dresses. For Anna McGinnis, senior, those memories...

Thank you Kirkwood for being the place I get to call home.

Maya Rubin

Maya Rubin, art editor May 10, 2023

University of Kansas  Marketing with a minor in political science  Nostalgia presents itself in a unique form to each and every individual. It comes in waves; a song, a scent, a touch. But for...

I have always been a dreamer, constantly lost in my imagination and books. That’s why I started writing. Once I got to an age where I could no longer sneak books into class, I had to find some way to pass the time at school, so I wrote stories.

Senior Column: Kailey Shirrell

Kailey Shirrell, social media editor May 16, 2022

College: University of Missouri Major: Psychology Hush, gather around, and pull up a chair. Let me tell you a story. It might even have a moral.  I have always been a dreamer, constantly lost...

With only a few weeks left of the 2021-22 school year, make sure to stay up to date on all the upcoming events.

KHS upcoming important dates

Ava Duggin, web managing editor April 22, 2022

Saturday, April 23: Prom  8-11 p.m., Marriott St. Louis Airport - Grand Ballroom    Thursday, April 28: Academic & Athletic Signing  9:15 a.m., Holley Assembly Hall    Sunday,...

Toby Munson, senior, throws out candy to kids watching the parade.

Photo gallery: senior parade

Marilynn Steuby, new staffer May 17, 2021

On Sunday, April 25th, Kirkwood hosted a senior parade for the 2021 graduating senior class. The parade stretched from Meramec Community College to Kirkwood High School. Due to COVID-19, seniors couldn't...

Along with the KHS senior parade, Principal Mike Havener plans for graduation and ther end-of-year events. Photo by Hannah Banks

KSD COVID update: 2021-22 school year plans

Megan Glasgow and Kate Schreiber May 1, 2021

Based on current COVID-19 trends and minimized transmission in schools, KHS Principal Dr. Mike Havener plans for many end-of-year events and a normal return to school next fall. Senior prom, the Gold K...

KSD will continue providing more information on plans for the fall semester. District properties are still closed.

District update: fall options, graduation, school board and more

Olivia Silvey and Kate Schreiber June 10, 2020

FALL SEMESTER AND SCHOOL EVENTS   KSD is continuing to discuss options for the fall semester, which include the possibilities of online learning, regular attendance or a hybrid of both methods....

Here is the route seniors must drive in order to properly check out on May 6.

Senior check out information

Olivia Silvey, opinions writer May 5, 2020

KHS 12th grade principal Jeff Townsend sent out an email to seniors on Wednesday, April 29 with details regarding senior check out, which is on Wednesday, May 6. The email explains the protocol for dropping...

Make sure you're at the right place in your college search process with these tips.

The college search, mapped

Olivia Silvey, opinions writer March 13, 2020

Two words: college search. For some, this seems like a distant future. For others, it’s a nerve-wracking reality. However, for everyone looking to go to college after graduation, the formidable college...

Cheerleaders support their team with chants on the sidelines.

Important dates for seniors

Jack Rintoul, editor-in-chief May 3, 2019
As the year begins to come to an end for the class of 2019, the next week or so holds a lot of days with important events for seniors.
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Kirkwood High School student newspaper