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Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

All data is from the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

In-depth: Discipline disparity

Nathan Sweeney, features writer March 3, 2021

Discipline disparity is a term which refers to the trend of disproportionate disciplinary actions taken by a school against certain students due to their race or another demographic. This behavior...

Political Issue: KHS views on 2020 issues

Political Issue: KHS views on 2020 issues

Lydia Cohen, print + web managing editor October 5, 2020

As November approaches, many people continue to register as voters for the 2020 election. However, not every KHS student has the opportunity to express their opinion at the polls. To represent...

Tatum Shore-Fitzgerald

Safe sex

Annie O’Brien, health and wellness editor March 5, 2019

For every woman who has unprotected sex, there is a 20 percent chance she will get pregnant.   Contraception methods: Art by Tatum Shore-Fitzgerald All information from Planned Parenthood

What did you do over the no homework weekend?

What did you do over the no homework weekend?

Adler Bowman, features editor April 30, 2018

Every student had the opportunity to experience four days without any school-related obligations during the weekend of Feb. 16. According to Dr. Michael Havener, principal, the concept of the no homework...

The shards of the ceiling

The shards of the ceiling

Thomas Birmingham, in-depth editor March 13, 2018

With the heightened relevance and importance of a topic like gender equality, TKC went further into the issue and put together the data found below. For the full, recommended PDF version, click here.Zac...

Spotify vs. Apple Music

Spotify vs. Apple Music

Abbey Painter, video editor March 5, 2018

How to document your teenage life

Charlotte Heinrich, features writer January 30, 2018

Physics classes and trips to Pioneer Perks slowly seem to blend together. Before you know it, the awkward freshman version of yourself will be four years taller and smarter. You don’t want to forget...

Riverview review

Riverview review

Thomas Birmingham, in-depth editor August 28, 2017

In response to the Riverview Gardens Schools District cancelling transportation to and from KSD, TKC decided to look into some statistics regarding Riverview, its history, and what has prompted this change....

Gender inequality: by the numbers

Gender inequality: by the numbers

Thomas Birmingham, news-features writer December 6, 2016

Rams 2015-16: Infographic

Rams 2015-16: Infographic

Michael Teasdale, sports writer September 28, 2015

Since the glory days of the early 2000s, experts and fans alike have been touting the Rams as a team to watch. And every single year, they have fallen short of the elusive dark horse status. After the...

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Kirkwood High School student newspaper