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Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Senior Profiles: Aubrey Puryear

Senior Profiles: Aubrey Puryear

Brendan Davidson, sports writer May 8, 2018

Aubrey Puryear’s peers describe her in one word: caring. At KHS, she walks through the halls talking to her friends, an infectious smile on her face. She said she is looking forward to college because...

Retiring Teachers Q&A

Retiring Teachers Q&A

Mary Ralston, photographer May 4, 2018

Mr. Jeff Melsha

Mary Ralston, photographer May 3, 2018

 Art by Celia Bergman 15 years of teaching at KHS TKC: What are your retirement plans? Melsha: Nothing definite right now*, but I’ll definitely work somewhere in the music industry. I...

Madi's melody

Madi’s melody

Charlotte Heinrich, features writer April 2, 2018

"Everything’s bigger in Texas,” Madi Janysek, senior, said. “I’ll keep telling you that until the day I die.” Janysek is no stranger to the Lone Star state, the place she still calls her home....

The cost of music: priceless

The cost of music: priceless

Thomas Birmingham, news-features writer April 7, 2017

  Luckily, Proposition K has passed, but this story serves as a reminder of the importance of the measure within the school district. Right now, there are over 290 third and fourth graders...

Melsha accepted to two All-American bands

Melsha accepted to two All-American bands

Olivia Rekittke, features writer September 20, 2014

At the end of the 2013-14 school year, while most students were planning their vacations for the summer or purchasing new swimsuits, Jacob Melsha sent in tapes to NAfME (National Association for Music...

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Kirkwood High School student newspaper
Jeff Melsha