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Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

More students like to turn in their assignments on Schoology, rather than other platforms.

Oh so coology

Catherine Butler, opinions writer November 29, 2018

Lydia Sheehan, sophomore, can relate to countless other students who struggle with organization. She dreads having to visit multiple online platforms each night to turn in her assignments, especially when...

Behind closed doors

Behind closed doors

Jack Matousek, Writer May 21, 2018

It’s 7:25 a.m. on a cold Thursday morning, gust of wind blows across the the parking lot as ten weary looking  freshmen slowly get out of their cars and drag themselves into room West 113, in the English...

Smashing the glass ceiling: Romona Miller

Smashing the glass ceiling: Romona Miller

Thomas Birmingham, in-depth editor March 9, 2018

Her stare is contemplative and loving. Thirty seconds go by before she finally looks to smile and compliment the student’s artwork. Their face lights up with pride. Her voice is commanding yet...

Tracking through technology

Tracking through technology

Abigail Imiolek, news-features writer February 28, 2017

With a click of a button, a new bar on the graph rises. The bars shows a new grade for the latest essay in English or the latest test in psychology. Every student at KHS has one: a dashboard which shows...

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Kirkwood High School student newspaper
Jessica Vehlewald