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Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

KHS Reacts to a fake admission of love

Chloë King, Justin Sweeney, and Michael Teasdale February 19, 2016

Michael Teasdale, Justin Sweeney and Chloë King asked KHS students to reveal secrets to one another on camera. However, one of the students in each pair was planted to confess their fictional love for...

The divide

Julia Wunning-Zimmer and Olivia Rekittke March 10, 2015

This video is an online collaboration with "The Divide", an article written by Mimi Wright and Anna Mullendore in the newest issue of TKC.  In this video, students and staff were asked various questions...

Call Snippets

Annie Murphy and Kaitlin Kilby February 10, 2015

The YouTube phenomenon, “KidSnippets”, has gained thousands of views for the adorable toddler/adult voice collaborations. Adult voices are replaced with childrens, making any situation hilarious. The...

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Kirkwood High School student newspaper
Kaitlin Kilby