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Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Feelin' thrifty

Feelin’ thrifty

Izzy Colón and Adler Bowman February 27, 2018

Malayna Vines, junior, dances with the varsity Pommies during halftime.

Photo gallery: varsity girls’ basketball and Male Poms

Kara Rieger, photographer January 31, 2018

The girls' varsity basketball team won 59-38 against Pattonville high school Friday, Jan. 19. Both the varsity Pommies and the Male Pommies stole the floor during half time with their dance routines. "I...

TKC tries foreign candy

TKC tries foreign candy

Annie O’Brien, news-features editor January 26, 2018

TKC decided to head to Global Foods and search for some interesting candy from different countries. What followed was an unusual taste test, to say the least.     Music: Fretless...

VoK: St. Louis Women's March

VoK: St. Louis Women’s March

Adler Bowman and Izzy Colón January 22, 2018

According to KSDK, thousands carried their experiences with injustice across the length of Market St. on Saturday, Jan. 20. TKC talked with a few of these many voices and asked them why they came out...

Gregory Booth, tech director, gives building instructions to crew members.

Photo gallery: beyond the stage

Kara Rieger, photographer February 15, 2017

Shortly after the Once Upon a Mattress cast lists were released, crew began to meet after school to start building the set.  The spring musical will play 7 p.m. nightly in the Keating Theatre April...

Julie Healey, KHS librarian, listens to classic rock, current pop R&B from the '60s and '70s and bluegrass music. Her favorite artists range from The Who to Prince to Willie Nelson. Healey believes most students listen to hip-hop at KHS. "I think that schools have to be careful about language, about innapropriate language," Healy said. "I know innapropriate sounds like such a fuddyduddy word, but schools have to take into account what happens when people are offended. I think when you are in any public entity, especially one that's paid for by tax money you do have to take into account not offending people. Christmas music is going to go in that same category. To me, it could be offensive to play Christmas music and I personally would not choose to."

VOK: music through the halls of KHS

Kara Rieger, Jack Wever, Ellie Cassidy, and Lindsay Huck December 20, 2016

TKC went around Kirkwood and discussed music interests within the school.

Dwayne Robinson, freshman, waits to receive the ball.

Photo gallery: freshman boys’ basketball

Kara Rieger, photographer December 16, 2016

Freshman boys' basketball knocks Parkway South off their feet with a final score of 55-20 at 4:15 in the Denver Miller gym Dec. 12. The first quarter had everyone anxious as the score board sat at 6-4...

Krampus movie night

Krampus movie night

Kara Rieger, photographer December 7, 2016

German club met after school to celebrate St. Nicholas Day, or Sankt Nikolaustag on Tuesday, Dec. 6.  Over 30 students showed up and they ate a variety of German desserts including Pfeffernusse (a type...

Aidan McGee, freshman, sprints down the court before making a layup.

Photo gallery: freshman boys’ basketball

Kara Rieger, photographer November 18, 2016

Boys' freshman basketball practiced, Monday, Nov. 14,  from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. The boys said they were anxious as the season started. "We play Webster the first game of the season, so that will be...

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kara rieger