A skate park where all are welcome
Lila Shepard, features writer
• February 21, 2021

Photo gallery: BLM march
Ella Davies, Sophia Beckmann, and Lawrence McKee
• January 20, 2021

Police Beat 10/7-10/13
TKC Staff
• October 18, 2019
![Cynthia Casserly, Police Officer
“I’ve always wanted to be a police officer ever since I was a kid. I finally realized that I need to make my dream come true, and that’s when I got hired at Kirkwood. [I like] the diversity of Kirkwood. We have a little bit of everything from all walks of life. That’s what makes it so interesting.”
TKC: What is your proudest moment or accomplishment you’ve had with your job?
“My proudest moment was [when] I had a young lady involved in heroine. Her parents were having a lot of trouble and she was obviously having a lot of trouble. I talked to [the young lady] at length. Then not until about a month later I saw the mother on the street and she actually hugged me and thanked me. Her daughter had gone to treatment. She was getting a job and starting to turn her life around. That’s why I do what I do. But a lot of times, we don’t get the closure. With the calls like that, we don’t always know what happens [in the end]. We don’t [always] know if we’ve had any impact.”
TKC: Do you have any advice for anyone interested in law enforcement?
“[My advice] is to finish schooling and get a college degree. More doors are open that way. Have a love for it, be able to talk to people, and don’t have any criminal history at all.”](https://www.thekirkwoodcall.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Cynthia-Casserly.jpg)
VOK: Kirkwood Police
Anna Poe, photographer
• January 25, 2017
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