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Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Students use #BlackAtMizzou to share their experiences of injustice, racism and prejudice at MU.

Top five opinions stories of 2020

TKC Staff January 21, 2021

Call me by my name - Malcia Greene An ode to historical black colleges and universities - Kiden-Aloyse Smith #BlackAtMizzou – The Kirkwood Call - Caroline Steidley Political Issue: Survivor’s...

Staffers work each cycle to produce columns on thought-provoking issues, aiming to start conversations and establish diversity in opinions.

Top five opinions stories of 2019

TKC Staff December 16, 2019

TKC’s opinions section is a platform for all voices to be heard. Staffers work each cycle to produce columns on thought-provoking issues, aiming to start conversations and establish diversity in...

Liam Jackson and Sophie Chappell, juniors. play a guessing game.

TKC tries a guessing game

Annie O’Brien, health and wellness editor March 6, 2019

8 TKC staffers try to determine what a mysterious object is. Watch as they get confused, grossed out and eventually learn what they have been looking at. Music courtesy of Purple Planet Music

TKC tries foreign candy

TKC tries foreign candy

Annie O’Brien, news-features editor January 26, 2018

TKC decided to head to Global Foods and search for some interesting candy from different countries. What followed was an unusual taste test, to say the least.     Music: Fretless...

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Kirkwood High School student newspaper
Malcia Greene