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Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

The KHS girls JV tennis team says their cheer before their match.

Top five photos of 2019

TKC Staff December 26, 2019

TKC photographers make various photo galleries throughout the year, and we had TKC staffers choose the top five photos of 2019.

Mackenzie Scully and Kaylee Patterson, freshmen, approach the first mile marker.

Photo gallery: girls’ cross country meet 8/30

Mary Ralston, photographer September 10, 2018

Kirkwood girls' cross country ran their second meet at Blackburn Park in Webster Aug. 30. The varsity team placed 1st overall with all six runners medaling in the top 30, while the freshmen-sophomore team...

Tabby Stowers, junior, is the first runner from Kirkwood at the end of the first loop in the varsity race and finished in 24th place.

Photo gallery: girls’ cross country conference meet

Mary Ralston, photographer November 2, 2016

Girls' cross country had its conference meet at McNair Park Oct. 8. Varsity placed 3rd overall and 1st in suburban 12, JV placed 7th in the JV - Gold race, and freshman placed 6th overall.  “My favorite...

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Kirkwood High School student newspaper
Meg Murphy