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Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Art by Elena Sherwood. Ever since teaching himself how to code, Solomon Leach has loved technology and hopes to bring that passion into his college and career choice.

Senior profile: Solomon Leach

Megan Glasgow, features + in-depth editor May 4, 2021

An episode of “The Flash” plays on a newly set up TV. His Savers uniform sits folded on the counter. On the bright computer, lines of code flash across the screen — complex strings of numbers and...

Art by Elena Sherwood. Picture of Phebe Hammond, senior, working her shift at Kaldi's in Kirkwood.

Senior profile: Phebe Hammond

Lila Shepard and features writer May 3, 2021

Walking into work, the smell of roasting espresso beans fills her nose. Phebe Hammond used to bike to Kaldi’s when she was younger to get pastries and coffee; now she has been working there for over...

Music has never been just an option for Matt Hensley – it has always been a significant part of his life.

Taking the spotlight

Emma Patt, entertainment editor December 11, 2020
Matt Hensley, senior at KHS, has had a unique connection with music since a young age.
A Biden sign in a yard emphasizes the importance of unity.

Political Issue: Not your average Joe

Grace Marcus, features writer September 28, 2020

Klansmen, white supremacists, and neo-Nazis gathered in Charlottesville, VA, in August 2017, chanting racist and anti-semitic slogans as they marched with torches and carried symbols of hate. This is the...

I’ll keep the endless reasons to join Tinder brief to give you more time to craft your master profile and get swiping.

Swiper, no swiping

Brendan Davidson, parsnip editor March 14, 2019

*this piece is entirely satirical Tinder is the most infamous dating app out there. People attack it day and night, but as a proud supporter of Tinder and its innovative ideas, I can’t listen to these...

Senior Profile: Cevon Seymour

Senior Profile: Cevon Seymour

Jack Rittendale, features writer April 13, 2017

Freshman class president, football and lacrosse player, and loving brother, Cevon Seymour has fought to stay with his friends and community. A student that can handle wins as well as losses, and gives...

KHS student roams the halls with $200 plus on his feet

Jake Siegel and John Drury February 23, 2016

Kevin Kelly, senior, has an extensive collection of shoes ranging from dress shoes to the Jordan 1s. Two staffers, Jake Siegel and John Drury, take a closer look at his collection.

Sitting with scientists: MuMu Xu

Sitting with scientists: MuMu Xu

Chloë King, blog/podcast editor October 26, 2015

Welcome to a new feature on An Independent Universe. It’s called Sitting with Scientists, and I’ll be interviewing awesome people from around the country with a passion for science that puts mine to...

Senior profile: Richard Beamer

Senior profile: Richard Beamer

Mimi Wright, in-depth editor May 5, 2015

For the second time at the Olympic Training Center, 833 miles away from St. Louis in Colorado Springs, Colorado, the heavy thud of weights can be heard by Richard Beemer as they drop to the ground by other...

Senior profile: Kevin Campbell

Senior profile: Kevin Campbell

Daniel Stobbe, web staff April 27, 2015

Kevin Campbell had two choices: missing his senior year or continuing at KHS with bad temptations surrounding him. He chose the former, deciding that it was better for him. “Being at Kirkwood was...

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Kirkwood High School student newspaper