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Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Senior cheerleaders say they're excited for their last Turkey Day.

KHS Senior Cheer Quotes

Ava Duggin, features writer November 27, 2019

Senior cheerleaders were asked what their favorite Turkey Day memory is, and what makes cheerleading on Turkey Day special.

Samaya Trawick, Junior, raises her hand in math class to ask a question.

Gauging the gap

Jack Anderson and Jack Rintoul March 17, 2019

As the deafening noise of the halftime buzzer sounds, Samaya Trawick, junior and varsity cheerleader, leaps into place before her team begins their routine. At this moment, she feels a part of something....

"I think when they start playing, they really get into the game and it turns out to be a good game."

Photo gallery: varsity boys’ basketball vs University City Jan. 10

Meg Murphy, photographer January 14, 2019

Kirkwood varsity boys' basketball defeated University City 80-68 in the Denver Miller Tournament Jan. 10. “I did think the Pioneers were going to win," Samaya Trawick, junior cheerleader, said. "I think...

Seeing double

Seeing double

Charlotte Heinrich and Mary Frizzell November 20, 2017

The first hour bell rings releasing you from the prison that is a high school class. You fumble with your backpack and try not to forget to grab your lunch as you and 20 others shuffle out of the doorway...

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Kirkwood High School student newspaper
Samaya Trawick