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Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Reflecting on your accomplishments can boost motivation.

Reflect on your accomplishments

Lydia Cohen, print + web managing editor October 25, 2020

No one assignment completed is insignificant. It can be beneficial to review what you’ve finished, as it allows you to recognize what your effort is worth. A notification of a grade is less impactful...

Planning out your weekly work makes it seem more manageable.

Plan out your weekly work

Lydia Cohen, print + web managing editor October 25, 2020

Rather than putting off work to the last minute and having to tackle an accumulation of assignments, create an outline of what you can do each day. Check your teachers’ Schoology pages Sunday night to...

More students like to turn in their assignments on Schoology, rather than other platforms.

Oh so coology

Catherine Butler, opinions writer November 29, 2018

Lydia Sheehan, sophomore, can relate to countless other students who struggle with organization. She dreads having to visit multiple online platforms each night to turn in her assignments, especially when...

Issues: Arming teachers

Issues: Arming teachers

Jack Anderson, features writer October 24, 2018

  Virginia Tech. Stoneman Douglas. Sandy Hook. These are a few of 188 school shootings that have occurred since 2000. School districts across the country are now reevaluating their safety and security...

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Kirkwood High School student newspaper