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Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Discover out-of-the-box ideas on how to keep your mind sharp and ready for anything.

6 ways to improve your brain

Olivia Silvey, opinions writer October 24, 2019

As high schoolers, keeping our brains healthy might be the last thing on our minds (no pun intended). Clubs, sports, friends and homework are first priority, so there’s not much time to worry about the...

Sleep: a waste of time

Sleep: a waste of time

Brendan Davidson, sports writer May 15, 2018

As the school year draws to close, students are more stressed than ever with finals, AP tests and homework. We have minimal time to relearn much of the year’s content for each class. Loads of work exhaust...

7 Ways to Fuel Your Brain

7 Ways to Fuel Your Brain

Anna Mullendore, features writer April 26, 2015

Anna Mullendore Getting enough sleep is vital for your nervous system, thus crucial to your concentration, coordination and memory. But when a student’s lack of sleep is due to early morning reviews,...

May sleep be with you

May sleep be with you

Anna Mullendore, features writer February 10, 2015

Important facts to keep in mind: During teenage years, biological sleep patterns shift, making it more natural for teens not to have the ability of falling asleep before 11:00 pm., according to the...

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Kirkwood High School student newspaper