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Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Certainly the most distinguished farewell addresses, those of men of brilliance and prominence like Washington and Eisenhower, were heard and widely praised. Still, even they were not truly listened to.

Senior column: Daniel Tobias

Daniel Tobias, political editor May 1, 2021

College: University of Minnesota- Twin Cities Major: Statistics What is a “senior column” but an unimportant farewell address that few will read and likely no one will internalize? Certainly...

Riverview review

Riverview review

Thomas Birmingham, in-depth editor August 28, 2017

In response to the Riverview Gardens Schools District cancelling transportation to and from KSD, TKC decided to look into some statistics regarding Riverview, its history, and what has prompted this change....

Striking suicide statistics

Striking suicide statistics

Adler Bowman, features writer April 24, 2017

Rams 2015-16: Infographic

Rams 2015-16: Infographic

Michael Teasdale, sports writer September 28, 2015

Since the glory days of the early 2000s, experts and fans alike have been touting the Rams as a team to watch. And every single year, they have fallen short of the elusive dark horse status. After the...

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Kirkwood High School student newspaper