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Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Emmy Dunn, senior, uses music to cope with stress and connect with her friends.

Playing it by ear

Nathan Sweeney, features + in-depth editor November 3, 2021

On first impression, Emmy Dunn, senior, goes with the flow and doesn’t care what others think about her.  But her classmates see the part of her that is confident, not the part that’s insecure...

A student holds their head in their hands, as she tries to do her work.

Photo Gallery: virtual learning told through photos

Annie George, photographer September 28, 2020

Virtual learning has brought on a major change to our everyday lives. Being stuck at home, learning through a screen has caused many problems for students, parents and staff. "I am very thankful that...

Many people are stuck inside their homes due to COVID-19.

How to stay sane in isolation

Lily Bartin, VoK editor March 17, 2020

First, it’s important to understand that preventative measures like isolation, social distancing and event cancellations are inconvenient for everyone, but should be taken seriously. While you may not...

Snow day woes: A call for Kirkwood to adapt finals

Snow day woes: a call for Kirkwood to adapt finals

Lily Bartin, VoK editor December 17, 2019

A snow day is usually a cause for universal excitement among students, but on Sunday, Dec. 15, the announcement was met with widespread anxiety. Monday’s snow day would eliminate a valuable day of review...

Many students devote their high school years to meeting the requirements for college, only to find another four years waiting for them once theyve been accepted.

Smile, you’re on transcript

Megan Glasgow, Features writer October 27, 2019
Whether or not you’re trying to secure a spot at an Ivy League, your college stakes are high. Find out the effects of this excessive pressure on students.
art by Grace Ferguson

5 ways to reduce stress in 2019

Annie O'Brien, health and wellness editor January 14, 2019

With a constant stream of New Year’s resolutions flooding Instagram and Twitter feeds, it’s easy to feel like you’re drowning in a sea of expectations. The school year is halfway over, and your teachers...

photo courtesy of Google under the Creative Commons license

How the Other Half Lives: Teachers Dealing With Stress

Sophie Chappell, Writer May 21, 2018

Once all the students are gone, silence envelops KHS. Students will head home and begin their mountain of homework, while teachers stay behind creating lesson plans and grading papers. Like their students,...

Sleep: a waste of time

Sleep: a waste of time

Brendan Davidson, sports writer May 15, 2018

As the school year draws to close, students are more stressed than ever with finals, AP tests and homework. We have minimal time to relearn much of the year’s content for each class. Loads of work exhaust...

KHS has first “no homework” weekend

Benji Wilton, features writer February 19, 2018

Over the four day weekend of Feb. 16, KHS had its first ever no homework weekend. This was the first of two no homework weekends, the other being the weekend of March 9. According to Dr. Michael Havener,...

Finals: Are you too stressed out?

Finals: Are you too stressed out?

Thomas Birmingham, in-depth editor May 17, 2017

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Kirkwood High School student newspaper