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Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Lose the La Croix

Lose the La Croix

Benji Wilton, features writer January 9, 2018

It’s summertime. The sun is blazing, the grass is a sea of green and the pool feels perfect. There’s only one problem: you’re thirsty. As you examine the cooler hoping for a soda or a tea, you find...

Beating the heat

Beating the heat

Anna Mullendore, Health & Wellness writer September 10, 2015

Ahh, fall sports: where the sun blazes down on an athlete's shoulders at a scorching 95 degrees, hot enough to melt the soles of a cross country runner’s Asics right onto the pavement. Success on...

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Kirkwood High School student newspaper