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Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Mock Trial won the state competition this April and will be going to nationals in May.

The murder of Charles Grey

Bella Ruzicka, new staffer May 9, 2021

Lawyers, witnesses, judges and jurors all gathered as they listened to the murder case of Charles Grey. The KHS Mock trial team had been working on his case for seven months, with Henry Reinert, senior,...

Zoe Knight, KHS senior, used the time at home during the COVID-19 pandemic to create her own nonprofit. “Project WallFlower is a nonprofit organization that raises money to provide period products to students in need,” Zoe said.

Creating Project WallFlower

Lydia Sheehan, entertainment writer December 4, 2020

Back in March, the way people lived life was irrefutably changed: Businesses closed and people found themselves out of work, schools moved online and some students struggled with their mental health and...

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Kirkwood High School student newspaper
Zoe knight