In an effort to get to know more about the ins and outs of the daily lives of our beloved teachers, The Kirkwood Call ambushed Molly Gerstung, math teacher, and asked her a few questions. For your enjoyment, we present the interview.
Kirkwood Call: How many years have you been a math teacher?
MG: 28 years.
KC: What is your favorite food?
MG: Blueberry Pie.
KC: What is your favorite outside-of-school hobby?
MG: Hiking.
KC: What is your favorite color?
MG: Green.
KC: Who is your role model?
MG: My mom
KC: Why is math awesome?
MG: Because there always is an answer.
KC: What is your favorite sport to play?
MG: Volleyball
KC: What is your favorite sport to watch?
MG: College basketball, especially the Mizzou Tigers.
KC: What is your favorite book?
MG: The Book Thief