After weeks of practice and preparation, Laney Sward tried out for drum line last year. An intense process of deliberation and placement, Sward and all the percussionists went into a room with the band directors and played all of the percussion instruments including snare, bass, tenors and cymbals. They were then given a score out of 100 points and assigned to the section they did best.
“The tryout is probably the biggest part of the year for most people,” Cody Diehl, sophomore bass drum player, said. “You’re competing against everybody on the line for a certain spot, so you have to get a high score if you want to get a lead position.”
Only about 15 students actually make the line each year. Laney Sward, sophomore and second-year drum line member, came out of this audition with the highest rank possible: the snare drum.
“I know the girl’s got talent, so I wasn’t surprised when she got snare,” Diehl said. “But no one else was expecting it.”
Being the only girl on drum line, Sward said the expectations are high. It can often be difficult and sometimes intimidating.
“They’re boys, they like to make fun of people, especially me,” Sward said. “Most of the time I get really sick of it.”
Sward’s fellow drum liners, however, think she is getting along just fine.
“If you’re going to be the only girl on drum line you have to put forth some effort and skill or else you’ll just lack the respect you need,” Diehl said. “I think she’s gained it this year.”The Kirkwood Drum line has a solid family bond because everyone gets along with everyone.
“It’s a good brotherhood,” Matthew Dorsey, senior bass drum player, said. “We’re all really close.”
According to Sward, this year is not as stressful as her first.
“Last year, I was so scared,” Sward said. “It was bad enough being a freshman [trying out for drum line], but also being a girl, I was super scared.”
The boys do not seem to mind hanging around with Sward, though.
“I mean, it’s not that different with Laney,” Diehl said. “She hangs out with the boys, and she’s mostly a bro any ways.”
This special achievement may not continue next year. According to Matthew Dorsey, junior bass player, there are a three girls on pit this year, and a few of them are expected to be on drum line next year.
“I would really hope [they get on],” Diehl said, “because they all deserve it. I mean, they work so hard on everything they do.”
Sward, however, intends on holding on to the perks of being the only girl for as long as she has them.
“It’s cool to be the only one,” Sward said. “It makes me feel special.”