Thanksgiving might be the greatest American holiday. It’s an excuse to stuff your face alongside loved ones and you don’t have to buy anyone presents. Throw in a football game with the greatest (and longest) high school rivalry west of the Mississippi, and I’m a happy camper. Since sixth grade, I’ve attended the Turkey Day game, and since freshman year I’ve actually paid attention. From my years of experience, I compiled list of my favorite things about Turkey Day.
1. The weather. I’ve been to games with rain and snow as well as games where I’ve gotten sunburned. It seems I’m always uncomfortable at the games, but it’s that wonderful kind of uncomfortable where you don’t even mind the pain.
2. The clothing. Every single year, there is a group of boys who look like they rubbed cranberry sauce on their bare torsos. Every single year, there is a group of girls rocking sports bras and Uggs with big K’s painted on their stomachs. While usually the sight of that much belly button would make me nauseous, the red body paint and Pioneer caps are enough to let me forgive it for one day of the year.
3. The food. Somehow, watered-down hot chocolate and rubbery hot dogs taste better when cheering KHS. I have never bought food or drink at a regular season game, but it’s just a Thanksgiving tradition to feast on tailgating food before the turkey and stuffing.
4. The cheers. “Hail Webster? Hail no.” I always loved that one.
5. The rivalry. Since it’s the season of giving thanks, I have to be grateful that we always have such great opponents to face once a year. As much as we poke fun at each other, getting together the last Thursday of November every year is an amazing experience for everyone in the stadium, whether in red and white or black and orange. I’ll always say “Hail Kirkwood,” but to our worthy adversary, I wish you a good game. Goodness knows you’ll need it.